You know how to be successful? To be the hardest worker in the room, so says The Rock and so says Noah.
Noah has pushed himself HARD this year. This is the kid that practices by himself every day (even in his off season), who gets in full pads and gear and goes for 2 mile runs around the neighborhood, who goes back for the last guy running at practice to make sure he finishes strong. He’s the first one to give high fives, and the last one off the field. He helps everyone up, no matter what color their jersey is.
Y’all: He does this on his own. He does this without being asked or told to do so. He pushes himself as hard as he thinks he can, then he just digs deeper.
Noah made quarterback for his team this year, after 4 seasons of hard work and dedication. And just because he made it, he isn’t slacking off. He’s here 90 minutes early to work with the coach, so he can become an even better player and leader for his team.
Sometimes I question my parenting, the choices I’ve made as a mother, and wonder if I am not living up to my potential.
But then I see Noah and the man he’s turning into, and I realize I’m not doing too bad, after all.
Football might be a tough sport, and it has a lot of risks in it … but the lessons learned both on and off the field are absolutely invaluable. 👏