Instagram is basically my favorite social media platform – pretty pictures and videos, stories, and a visual diary of our work and life: all rolled into ONE spot? Yes, please!
How to Make a Personalized Mobile Menu For Instagram Using Showit
For my business, Instagram has become an important part of my marketing and is one of the business apps I use nearly every day. I am reaching more potential clients on Instagram than ever before, and I’m getting more inquiries and bookings as a result (which of course, equates to amazing experiences with rad people, and an increase in my income – all sorts of winning, there!).
As you know, Instagram has an option to leave a website in your profile – which is a great tool, to get people off the ‘gram and straight to your website. This, no matter what your strategy is, should always be your goal: to get people on your site.
For the last several months, instead of just leaving a link to our website in my Instagram profile, we’ve used a third party site called LinkTree to have more than one link in my profile, so I could direct potential clients to multiple locations – my site, my blog, a link to contact me, etc.
But then I thought … why am I giving a third party site all of these free website clicks? I want those clicks on my site, to build my clickthrough rate, keep viewers on my site longer, and naturally build my SEO. Not to mention, be able to track clicks to my site from Instagram!
Step by Step: How to Make a Personalized Mobile Menu to Instagram Using Showit
Step one: Open up Showit.
Step two: Copy the current mobile menu that you have set up.
Step three: Add a BLANK PAGE.
Step four: PASTE the menu INTO the canvas.
It’ll look something like this – whatever your menu originally looks like on mobile AND desktop.
Steph five: change around the links that you want in your mobile menu for Instagram. Be sure that any INTERNAL links do not open up in a new window, but that EXTERNAL links do open up in a new window.
Step six: Make your mobile menu desktop friendly! You never know when someone is gonna be checking out your Instagram on their desktop, and you don’t want that link to be dead. You can make your desktop menu pretty or simple (I opted for simple for now).
Step seven: Don’t forget to rename the mobile menu into something easy! We opted for “See-More” so it would be easy.
Have questions? Let me know in the comments!