
My 2020 Word of the Year: Intention

2020 Word of the Year
Created by Ali Coşkunfrom the Noun Project

Today is the last day of 2019 and I’m having ALL the feelings about it. And I want to talk all about my 2020 word of the year (and the reasons behind it).

I’ve been praying a lot lately. Praying for strength and clarity, mostly. What should I do? What can I do? And I’m talking both personally and professionally. I’ve kind of been just floating along the last year, trying to be everything to everyone, all the time, always “on” and honestly: IT SUCKED.

When we went to Hawaii last year, I realized my wheels were stuck.

Then I went to the Rise Conference in July and the wheels really started turning.

After Ricky passed away in October, those wheels starting smoking.

And now I can say that I am officially on fire.

What am I referring to?

Living my life with INTENTION.

2020 Word of the Year

I can’t just be everything to everyone all the time. I need to have very clear purpose. I need to lead with God first, family and health second, career third. I need to remember that I’m one person and that my top three things in life (God, family, career) are all about me, too; MY faith; My role as mother and wife; MY career.

And instead of going part way with all of these things, in 2020 my goal is to be 100% of these things.

That means devoting my day intentionally to becoming the best version of myself that I can be.

That means attending church, even on those Sundays where the last thing I want to do is worship. Because those are the days when I need to be intentional with my faith.

That means getting my health under control, and finally eat and move intentionally. I’m signing up for the Disney 10k in January 2021 and I am going to train for it all year long. I am going to be intentional with the food I fuel my body with, so I can get my weight down to a healthy level and hopefully, with lots of hard work, get my Hashimotos under control. I have talked about getting ‘back in shape’ for nearly 19 years now. I’m 36, and the last time I was “in shape” was when I was 17 years old. That means I’ve lived half of my life wishing instead of doing. I’m DONE with not living my best life with intention.

That means spending my time online intentionally. I’ve been kind of flip-flopping all over the damn place with my Instagram, posting super personal stuff and then going back and sharing professional photos. When I look at my Instagram feed, I don’t see intention; I see chaos. Now – don’t get me wrong, my life IS chaos (hahaha!) but in 2020, I’m going to be super intentional with my online presence. You want to follow me professionally? Awesome, so happy to have you there supporting me! But you want to follow me personally? Be prepared for real life. I’ll be sharing more about me splitting my Instagram up into two accounts soon, but believe me when I say: it’s absolutely intentional.

Being intentional in 2020 is even part of our financial goals, meaning we are cutting WAY back on stuff we really don’t need and spending money where it matters. It means being laser-focused on our financial goals of paying off all our debts (remind me to NEVER buy a brand new RV ever again), so that we can finally buy a farm and turn it into a wedding venue and dog rescue. Yep, you read that right!

Basically, 2019 was the SETBACK … and 2020 is the COMEBACK.

What is YOUR 2020 Word of the Year!?

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