July 13, 2015


My Whirlwind Week: ER, surgery, a full-day wedding and a new website!

Created by Ali Coşkunfrom the Noun Project

Oh my goodness, guys. It feels like it’s been FOR-EV-ER since I’ve had the chance to blog. Ever since I started blogging several times a week, I have gone through the worst blog withdrawal – it’s been nearly 2 weeks since I’ve had the opportunity to sit down and fill you guys in on the craziness that has been my life this month.

Let me start by saying that I’m okay. I’ve gotten several worried texts and emails from our brides and grooms after seeing some posts made on Instagram and Facebook, and I’m so thankful for all your support, love and prayers. Trust me – it’s what got me through the last few days. It all started right before July 4th, I landed myself in the ER down in Palm Springs because I was having gallstone attacks. If you’ve never experienced that before – the best way for me to describe it is getting stabbed while you’re in labor. It’s the most God-awful pain I’ve ever experienced. I’ll take non-medicated labor and delivery over a gallstone attack any day of the week! I took it easy for a few days, but then on Tuesday morning I rushed back to the ER and this time, they didn’t send me home because my pain was a 10/10. I spent the next three days in the hospital, and ended up having my gallbladder removed on Thursday.

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Surgery was one of the most terrifying experiences of my entire life. I won’t even get my wisdom teeth removed, that’s how terrified I am of anesthesia and surgery … and for good reason! It’s been a pretty awful experience, I officially can’t understand why anyone would ever willingly elect to have surgery without it being a life-and-death situation. But, by the grace of God, I made it through and was discharged Friday in the late morning … and then we immediately made the 2 hour drive to Big Bear for Matt and Amanda’s wedding this past weekend. I actually went back to the ER in Big Bear on Saturday morning before the wedding, because I needed different pain medication – God bless the ER staff at Big Bear: they totally saved the day!

I’m still not sure how I made it through the wedding – Matt and Amanda’s family were both so gracious and kind, and the staff at the Inn at Fawnskin did absolutely everything they could to keep me comfortable, hydrated and feeling okay. The real hero of the day was Randy though, who took the “lead photographer” role for the first time ever and he just knocked it out of the ballpark, since I couldn’t speak very well and couldn’t do a lot of the stuff I usually do (bending over, laying down, etc.). I couldn’t have made it through the wedding (or the last few days) without him. He’s always been my rock, and this weekend he once again showed me “through better or worse, in sickness and health.” And of course, I couldn’t have done anything without  my mom and dad helping out with the kids – I’m so glad we moved home to California, because I can’t even imagine what we would have done if we didn’t have my parents close by to help us.

Matt and Amanda’s blog will be coming up tomorrow, but here’s a peek at all of us at their wedding on Saturday!

Big Bear Wedding, Inn at Fawnskin Wedding

I’m slowly doing better – every day is better than the one before. Thank you so much to everyone who reached out by phone, text, email and social media – your thoughts and prayers mean the world!

And – on an exciting side note … the new website launched TODAY!! I had originally tried publishing this blog earlier, but, the hosting FINALLY switched over this morning … AHH! I’m so excited! Take a look around the new website and let me know what you think!!

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