News, Personal

Wisconsin: Here We Come (And A Cancer Update)!!

Our Wisconsin Farm
Created by Ali Coşkunfrom the Noun Project

Our Wisconsin Farm

What. A. Freaking. Week.

Actually, what a freaking few weeks, but I digress.

This blog is going to be semi-short and super-sweet. I had to go out and buy a new temporary laptop because my “vintage” 2013 MacBook Pro up and died, and with my ghost writing side gig I had to get shiz going again. Makes it so much easier to blog from a computer than from my phone!


Like I said, lots of good and happy news to share!

Wisconsin: Here We Come (And A Cancer Update)!!

First off: I had my very big, very anxiety-inducing cancer scan. I spent the days leading up to it, kind of on the verge of hysterics and throwing up – I didn’t want to post or talk about it, because it was just too much for me truth be told. Luckily though, the scan went amazing and I am officially cancer free.

Second: Now, Randy will be working an incredible opportunity for the large retailer he works for, and I’m so SO so proud of him. He’s going to do amazing.

So what happened with us moving to Colorado?

I’ve had so many concerned friends and followers ask what the hell happened, so here’s the story:

We were all set to move to Colorado and literally days before we were set to set sail back to the mountains, the job Randy had hoped would be open never came to fruition. It was kind of like a domino set – lots of moving things had to happen for the end results, and unfortunately with the quarantine due to COVID-19, it just never happened. Which is okay – it sucked and I am sad not to be moving back to Colorado. But I firmly believed that it all worked out as it’s meant to.

Because Randy’s Colorado job never came about, we lost financing on the Colorado farm. No job + no house = no move. Since Randy had let his current store know we were moving and they back-filled it, we were staring down the barrel of a super scary jobless, homeless future. YIKES. True story.

So we looked at what was open without any required domino effect, and there were five stores open across the US (well, a few in California but hard no on ever going back there). One in west Texas (eeek), one in Atlanta (nope), one in Maryland (yikes), one in Indiana and one in Illinois. Immediately we were like: CHICAGO PIZZA!

Not even kidding. That was literally our first knee-jerk reaction: freaking Chicago pizza at Lou Malnati’s.

After a few stressful days, three big interviews and lots of prayers … Randy was offered the position. Thank you, God!

Third: Once we got the official notice of Randy’s job going through, we jumped into looking at houses because we are days away from closing on our Georgia house to its new owners. Actually, we were looking before Randy’s job became official but once it became officially-official, our Wisconsin realtor Cassie hopped to work. We initially had found this incredible Frank Lloyd Wright cabin, but that didn’t work out (note to sellers: don’t be greedy!). But then, suddenly, this incredible farm came on the market. It literally hit every single nail on the head of what we wanted – 5 bedrooms with a master suite, acreage that was zoned agricultural, ability to have farm animals like goats and chickens, a barn, in a rural area with a good school, you name it and this property had it.

And I’m so thrilled to share: WE ARE UNDER CONTRACT! It’ll be ours in just under 3 weeks.

We bought it without even doing a FaceTime tour – which yes, might just cement us into the “you’re freaking nuts and we love it” hall of fame, right!? I got to see it today via FaceTime and it was everything I dreamed it would be … and more!! There’s even mature fruit trees on the property!!

Whew … What a Whirlwind, Right?

Anyway … the next 3 weeks are going to be jam packed, full of pure insanity. Our plans will include:

  • Moving out of the Georgia house
  • Close on the Georgia house
  • Driving up to Wisconsin with the RV, all of our belongings, the kids and dogs
  • Randy flying back to close out his work here in Florida
  • Me signing all the loan docs to close on the Wisconsin farm
  • Moving in to the Wisconsin farm

Oh, and all while making sure the kids finish their school year while distance learning and on a quarantine.

Cool. It’s cool, we’ve got this! Bring it on, May!!


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