
In Home Newborn Session in Colorado Springs

in home newborn session in colorado springs
Created by Ali Coşkunfrom the Noun Project

It’s not very often we get to hang out with wee little new ones, but every once in a while a past couple will ask us to come meet their newest family members! Ash first met Ryan and Chalisse for their Garden of the Gods engagement photos (waaaay back when!) and thanks to the goodness that is social media, we’ve stayed in touch over the years. We lived in California when they had their first baby, Kyra, so we did not get the chance to meet her right away … but man oh man, watching her as a big sister to her new baby brother, Liam, was so sweet!

Ash headed over to Ryan and Chalisse’s house when Liam was just a couple of days old and freshly home from the hospital, and she spent the morning snuggling and capturing those first precious yawns. Liam is SO sweet you guys and he smelled absolutely delicious. There is really nothing like the smell of a beloved newborn, right!? He was so alert the entire time; it’s actually kind of a great change from all the sleepy newborn photos, and they’re our favorite kind of in home newborn session photos to take for our friends!

And this really goes without saying, but it is really incredible watching a couple go from engaged to parents, and always such an honor to be invited to be part of someone’s growing family.

Here are just a few of Liam’s in home newborn session in Colorado Springs! These were photographed right there in Ryan and Chalisse’s bedroom, with the most incredibly beautiful window light!

in home newborn session in colorado springs in home newborn session in colorado springs in home newborn session in colorado springs in home newborn session in colorado springs in home newborn session in colorado springs in home newborn session in colorado springs in home newborn session in colorado springs in home newborn session in colorado springs in home newborn session in colorado springs in home newborn session in colorado springs in home newborn session in colorado springs in home newborn session in colorado springs in home newborn session in colorado springs in home newborn session in colorado springs in home newborn session in colorado springs in home newborn session in colorado springs in home newborn session in colorado springs in home newborn session in colorado springs in home newborn session in colorado springs in home newborn session in colorado springs in home newborn session in colorado springs in home newborn session in colorado springs in home newborn session in colorado springs

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