January 13, 2012


Mr. & Mrs. R | Couples Boudoir

Created by Ali Coşkunfrom the Noun Project

Jocelyn and Craine were the first people to EVER come shoot in the new Boudoir Parlor – eek! It was a lot of fun, I was totally nervous because it was my first time shooting in there. Seeing my dream come true, of opening up a beautiful studio specifically tailored for boudoir was quite literally like watching my dreams come true, right in front of my eyes. It was AWESOME! I must have talked a million miles an hour like a rabid chipmunk because I was nervous – but that’s ok, we had an AMAZING time. The R’s are the cutest couple ever, so sweet and playful and full of love – it was just beautiful to watch them together.

In 2012, I really want to do many more couples boudoir sessions – as Jocelyn and Craine can attest, it’s a LOT of fun! In fact, next month on Valentine’s Day we’re having the ONLY mini sessions for couples boudoir! If you’re interested, check out the blog for more details!

I honestly think this was my favorite shoot from 2011, hands down. It turned out so beautifully, I’m incredibly proud of the R’s couples shoot! Here are my favorites from their session with me, that I was graciously allowed to share with you!

© ashley durham photography