October 15, 2015


Two Time Saving Hacks To Boost Your Productivity!

Created by Ali Coşkunfrom the Noun Project

Good morning, Photografriends!

Raise your hands if you feel like your life revolves around your phone.

Yeeeahhh, us too.

Earlier this week, we attended a Webinar taught by Jordan Demos of Amy + Jordan (through the International Academy of Wedding Photographers), and he spoke about things that can save more time (and make more money). And the first thing Jordan talked about was how much time (and energy) we lose through our PHONES!

Every single time that little red circle pops up – we don’t know about you, but, it drives us nuts and we have to go see what it says. Every time the phone would DING! with a new email, we’ll stop and see what it was about (and 80% of the time, it’s junk mail of little or no interest).

Time lost = Money lost

So here are TWO time saving hacks that we’re going to share with you!

time saving hacks

1.) Unroll.Me

We get at least 150 emails a day and a good 80% of it is deleted before it’s even read. Sometimes we get multiple emails from the same company, often times our email has been sold and we get added to lists we didn’t even know about (Squigee Beckenheim, anyone? 10 cool points if you get this Gilmore Girl reference!) and altogether – this makes for a messy, constantly dinging email box.

A few weeks ago, we got introduced to Unroll.Me … which is a free service that will unsubscribe you to all your unwanted email subscriptions! The first time we did it, we had 131 companies that were sending us email that we simply didn’t want anymore (or ever wanted in the first place).

Less time spent deleting emails + unsubscribing to unimportant things = more time being productive.

2.) Turn Off Push Notifications

This is something Jordan spoke about, and I (Ashley) had never really thought about how that little red circle affected how much time I spent wasting time on the internet. But, every time I’d see the little red circle pop up, or the Facebook messenger app would ding, or whatever – I’d stop what I was doing, to see what it was real quick.

Just checking something real quick” would turn into 2-3 minutes scanning through my latest Facebook feed, or Instagram feed … and on Pinterest? Well, we all know we can lose hours rather than minutes in Pinterest.

Those 2-3 minutes don’t sound like a big deal when it’s just once … but what happens when you get 60 notifications a day? That quickly turns into 2-3 hours of lost time!

Mind = Blown

So now, we have our push notifications turned off and we are working on setting aside certain times of the day to check emails in an attempt to be more productive!

© ashley durham photography