August 24, 2013


theWORKSHOP with Jasmine Star

Created by Ali Coşkunfrom the Noun Project

Every year, I like to attend a couple workshops. Sometimes it’s for business, other times it’s to get a better grasp on posing, client interaction, lighting – basically, anything I can learn to make myself a better photographer and a better business person. So when I got an email from Jasmine Star in April that she was hosting a workshop in August in Orange County … I immediately RSVP’d my spot. Like – absolutely zero hesitation. Got the email, RSVP’d, *then* made  the “hey honey, Jasmine Star is hosting a workshop” begging/pleading/pleasecanIgoprettyprettyplease phone call to Randy (who of course responded with, you only registered ONE seat? with a really sad tone – sorry, honey!). This last week was the workshop out in California, and I literally looked forward to it for months. The last week or so before I left, I felt like a kid right before Christmas – so excited, knowing something awesome was coming, not quite sure what to expect other than something fabulous. I spent 6 days going all over California doing shoots, catching up with old friends, visiting with my brother and sister-in-law, meeting my BFFs new baby girl, shooting quite possibly one of the most gorgeous weddings ever with my friend Karey (more on that soon!) … I literally was working 18-20 hour days the entire time – I am exhausted, but man was it worth it!

To say meeting Jasmine Star (and her husband JD, and even her mom!) was fabulous just isn’t even the tip of the proverbial iceburg.

I won’t get into the details of what we learned and what Jasmine opened up to us about, but let’s just say it was real and honest. Admittedly, there was a lot that she spoke about that I already practiced or had thought about incorporating – but to me, it was validation that we are for sure on the right track with our plan for our business, and all the exciting changes we have coming up. Jasmine took time to sit down with each of us workshoppers individually, and really help us figure out how we can improve as a photographer and business person. She worked with us as a class, actually showing examples from our websites on areas we can improve on – consistency, editing technique, correct lighting, and what struck me most – was content awareness. Then there was that moment where she pulls up the recent Zombie shoot we did and says, “…and then there’s this…” … (and of course, it was the goriest picture of the entire shoot) – something COMPLETELY outside the spectrum of what I even want to do on even on occasional basis – I about died. Literally. I immediately was like “whoa whoa whoa, that is NOT something I normally do!” and she brought up a good point – if it’s not something I want to do, and it attracts potential clients with that type of style in mind (which is fine, but it’s not ME and it’s not US) … I am doing myself a disservice. And worse, I am doing my potential clients a disservice because I am overloading them with content, for one, and for two – we are showing stuff that quite honestly, we don’t even want to shoot.

It was a real wake up call for me that while I am comfortable with blogging 2-3 times a week and including personal content,  I am simply posting too much image content on each blog – and that I am posting things that could be preventing us from getting our ideal clients. So that’s something that will be a noticeable and immediate change to how we run our business. I need to learn to cull blog images down by a LOT to just show a few of our favorites. And the plan is to start creating slideshows for each of our clients, so we can showcase our sessions in their entirety and so we can create a highlight reel so-to-speak from our weddings. We will also be working on getting some featured galleries up soon, for now. We are currently in the re-branding process with Braizen for the transition from Ashley Durham Photography to Randy and Ashley, which will be officially complete and launched April 1st of next year. But you’ll be able to start noticing small changes now and then, to make the transition as seamless as possible. Anyway … There was definitely SO MUCH more that Jasmine and JD really helped me with and I can hardly even wait to take the next step.

So the styled shoot we got to do? Oh my gosh. The couple – Erin and Grant – were just as sweet as can be and gorgeous to boot, and I can’t WAIT to share a few of those images hopefully in the next few days, once I catch up on the other sessions I had going on while I was in California.

I just want to take this opportunity to thank Jasmine and JD for being such gracious hosts, and for their candor and honesty in terms of both personal and business levels. There was no question too personal, and I walked away from the workshop with my head swimming in possibilities and the knowledge on how to make those possibilities a reality. I am grateful to have had two other Colorado Springs photographers in our group (hey Kelly and Heather!), and to have been able to network with so many amazing talents from around the country. I just feel like the entire workshop was a blessing, and a once-in-a-lifetime experience. So thank you, Jasmine + JD. from the bottom of my heart, for an amazing learning (and growing) experience.


© ashley durham photography