August 6, 2020


A Review of Midnight Sun by Stephenie Meyer

review of midnight sun by stephenie meyer
Created by Ali Coşkunfrom the Noun Project

Hi, if you’ll need me, I’ll be lost in the forests of northwest Washington for the next few days … 🍎

review of midnight sun by stephenie meyer

Y’all: this book brought back so many happy memories for me.

Midnight Sun is the very much anticipated retelling of Twilight, as told from Edward’s point of view. My twenties was spent pouring over Twilight, living vicariously in the small town of Forks, Washington. I was absolutely one of those “Twi-Hards” and “Twilight Moms” without a doubt. In fact, my youngest son Noah’s middle name is Cullen, and my big wolf-like German shepherd is named Jacob.

The obsession was real, y’all.

So, coming back to Forks felt like snuggling underneath the covers, cozy and welcoming and just what my heart needed this year. The story is the same exact as originally told through Bella’s point of view, but with some additional details about vampire life for the Cullens before Bella officially joined the family. Midnight Sun gives the most insight into Rosalie, which was quite eye-opening to her character development later on in the series.

The language was a bit repetitive and Meyer rambled a bit, but honestly – I didn’t care. I loved every single second of reading Midnight Sun, and I’m thrilled to have it be a permanent part of my library.


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