
And then there were … 8???

Created by Ali Coşkunfrom the Noun Project

Saturday started off like any other Saturday … Randy and I had a full afternoon of wedding fun planned (grabbing some drinks with one of our July wedding couples, Stephanie + Kyle, after lunch and then shooting Donna + Rich’s evening wedding) … We had some time to kill before we headed over to my parent’s house to drop the kiddos off.

But then I said those famous last words … “hey Babe, let’s go to Petsmart to look at the animals with the kids!”. We do this often – we go and look at the fish, and the lizards, and the chinchillas and all the other little animals that they have. We joke that it’s like going to the zoo – but free! We go to pet stores all the time and we talk about the animals, and how cool/creepy/cute/fuzzy they are. Normally we can get out of there without any issues …

Until this weekend.

There, sitting out front were 7 or 8 puppies with Michelle, the owner of  The Love Shack Kennel Foster Home. These puppies were huge, sandy colored floppy guys with big ol’ paws. And in the very last little crate on the right, was this little guy who was just watching us. He’d lick the kids fingers when they stuck them through the crate, and he thumped his tail a few times. I HAD to hold him. I just HAD to. So I picked him up (yes, in my nice wedding attire) and he just dead weighted on me, licked my hair, rested his head on my shoulder and sighed. Randy immediately got that “oh crap!” look in his eyes … he knew right then and there that this guy was coming home with us. There was no getting out of it. I’m such a sucker for lovey puppies and I just felt like this guy belonged.


Photo by Michelle of Love Shack Kennel Foster Home

We drove to my parents’ house with him on our laps and he didn’t bark, he didn’t wag his tail – he just sat calmly, gently licking us. Originally we were going to name him Jack (you know, from Pirates of the Caribbean because he sorta walks like a drunk guy with those big puppy paws) – but it just didn’t feel right. We started calling him Romeo, since he’s such a little loverly … but I have this weird thing where I have to have a “y” ending for nicknames and Romy is a girl’s name. So THAT didn’t work.


So we spent the last couple of days just loving on him – he’s super soft and cuddly. He just wanted to be held. Even right now, he’s snuggling on the couch with Sierra watching a Barbie movie. This morning I posted on Facebook that we needed help with a name. We couldn’t just keep calling him “baby” or “here”, haha!

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And then someone posted that he sort of looked like an Alaskan dog, and a couple people suggested Kodiak – with the nickname Kody … And then Randy texted me: “What about Kodah Bear?”.

But Kodah?? YESSSSS!!!!

And it’s even the name of the little bear from Brother Bear – you know, the movie that’s literally stuck in our truck’s DVD player (and has been for over a year) that we watch over … and over … and over.

So that’s it! That’s his name. I asked him if he was Kody the Kodah Bear and he started licking me and getting all excited. I think we have a winner!

Here’s a picture of our veritable little zoo … (Excuse the jammies and bed head – we are on spring break around here!)


Danny, Charlie, Katey, Sierra, Kodah, Jacob, Noah and Sparky!

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