🔥 Hot Take Alert 🔥
I think I’m going to start a whole new blog series about Hot Takes (spicy controversial opinions) because not only is it kinda fun to stir the pot, but it’s also a little fun to kick the hornet’s nest a little bit. I posted about it on Instagram today but thought, what the hell, let’s write a blog about it, too.
And ooooooh, this Hot Take is gonna make some of you MAD-MAD. 👀 And you know what, if you feel triggered by it, there’s a little lesson at the bottom for you, too. So, what happened?
Are Moms With Cameras Really Ruining the Entire Photography Industry?
In one of the bazillion photography groups I am in, someone posted that a photographer local to them made this whole rant about how cheap moms with cameras are ruining the industry … and she wanted us to validate that it wasn’t her that this other photographer was bitching about, taking a look at her site and work.
Full stop. WHAT? 🤯
This was my actual response to her post.
I’m not going to look at your website because it doesn’t matter.
Her post is a reflection of HER insecurities and has absolutely nothing to do with you.
If she’s complaining about cheap photographers undervaluing the market,
that means she is doing a shit job of either providing or portraying why she’s valuable at her rates.
It’s literally that simple.
There’s a demand for photography at every budget,
and if she’s not reaching higher paying clients, that’s her problem.
You (or other newer/less experienced/less costly photographers) aren’t the problem –
it’s piss poor attitude and lack of marketing skills for that lady.
This whole thing totally broke my heart because you know what? Back in 2010, that was me. I was a cheap, inexperienced mom with a camera. I charged $15 for mini sessions and made less than nothing. Literally, I was in the negative. You can scroll back to my earliest blogs and see the growth I’ve had in both my technical skills, marketing skills and people skills. It’s like night and day and honestly – I’m so proud of that work. It led me to where I am today!
And you know what … I didn’t ruin *anything*. In fact, it made the other people in my area work harder to refine their technical skills, marketing skills and create more value within their own service and business.
The fact is: there are clients and demand for EVERY level and price point.
From beginners like me who could have made more working fast food to experienced photographers like me who are nearing the luxury market in terms of price and value.
If you want to move up to a higher paying clientele, awesome – make what you have to offer match that market. When you do that, you’ll learn a valuable lesson:
There are plenty of clients for all of us, and once you stop trying to market yourself to people who simply don’t value what you have to offer, you’ll be able to zero in on the clients who DO value what you have to offer, and that’s where you’ll find success.
If you’re a mom with a camera reading this who has heard and read ugly thoughts on newbies and less expensive photographers, just know this: you ARE welcome here, and I’m so glad to have you part of the photography community. 🥰
If you are a more experienced photographer, encourage your local colleagues to charge their worth, teach them how to make a sustainable living, and challenge them to grow as artists and business women.
Remember: We are ALL in this together. Let’s ALL succeed, okay?
Ashley Durham is a longtime creative business owner devoted to helping small businesses thrive with as little stress as possible.
To learn more about what Ashley has shared, check out the Photographer’s Resource Guide.