So this is the news I’ve been dreaming about sharing ever since the first day my sweet little five year old walked into kindergarten. I had no idea what the next 12 years would bring us – and this morning I’m feeling all the feelings about it.
Congratulations Danny
And the Burlington High School Class of 2021
Last night, our firstborn graduated high school and this morning I’m just brimming with pride. This year has been total suck-o for everyone and we have had our fair share of terribleness. It almost feels like Danny’s senior year didn’t even happen for us – there was no homecoming dance or winter formal, we didn’t go through the crazy process of visiting and applying to colleges (Danny is going into trades instead), he abruptly moved out in February, and he didn’t even go to prom. All of these things were things I’ve looked forward to as a mom, and the pandemic stole most of those experiences away from us. But, I won’t digress …
Even though senior year was a blur, one thing that I counted down to was Danny’s senior graduation ceremony for the Burlington High School class of 2021 and it was everything I dreamed it would be!
I absolutely burst into tears when I saw Danny in his cap and gown for the first time. I cried when he turned around and looked at us after he tossed his cap in the air, turned around, looked right at us and raised his arms in triumph.
That moment right there was everything. It was worth the hundreds of emails, thousands of hours, and dozens of meetings. Years of IEP plans and 504s, juggling therapies, doctors and medications to find the right plan to help Danny’s ADHD. There were a lot of tears (on both our parts), some gray hairs (on my part) and slammed doors (on his part) while fighting hard to get Danny through school.
The incredible part is how resilient Danny is. He went to twelve different schools in two countries and six states, and yet here he is! Successfully graduating high school.
Danny’s pride in himself was the best feeling I’ve had the whole year.
I didn’t bring my “big camera” (something I am doing less and less these days) because I wanted to be present for every moment. These were all just taken with my iPhone, and they’re perfect. Our kids are transferring school districts for next year (I know, I know – ugh), but we are very proud of Danny for being part of Burlington High School for his senior year!
Katelyn played with the band during the ceremony – she did great! They played Star Wars and Seven Nation Army, and they sounded fantastic. After the ceremony started, she came and joined us in the stands to watch her big brother receive his diploma.
Senior Boy Gift Idea for Graduation
We struggled so much trying to figure out what to get Danny for his graduation. I’m the type of person who hates giving money for a gift, so it took us a while to figure out what to do. We decided to do a “welcome to adulthood” kit so-to-speak, since Danny doesn’t wear watches or necklaces or anything like that. So, we got a large tote and filled it with all the things a young adult might need – everything from a new toothbrush to a bedding set. We put bandaids and Ibuprofen in it, a coffee cup with coffee, and his favorite snacks. Of course, we had toss in a dancing dog wearing a graduation cap that sings and dances “Celebrate” by Kool and the Gang, haha!