January 27, 2021


Find Joy Wherever You Can (Even If It Means Peeing Your Pants)

Created by Ali Coşkunfrom the Noun Project
Wisconsin mom jumping in the snow find joy

This right before I landed from jumping in the snow drift, realizing it was solid ice under the 6” or so of fresh snow we got yesterday, falling on my butt and peeing my pants a little from laughing, because you know – four babies. 😂

Life is funny that way. You’re having fun and then BAM – fall flat on your tail side. You have the choice on how you react. Sure, I could have been upset that I fell. I could have been mad that I got snow all over me. I could have died from embarrassment about my momma accident (both in the moment and sharing it now). I could have deleted this photo and tried to forget about it.

But instead, I’m remembering the simple joy of jumping in the snow. Of making Katelyn laugh so hard she was doing that silently-laughing-and-clapping-like-a-seal thing that gives you a belly workout. Now we have yet another inside joke between us, something to laugh about and find joy in.

Find joy where you can, friends. Life is too short NOT to.

Thank you for tuning in to my Ted Talk. 😘

See My Original Post On Instagram


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