Marriage, Personal

Happy 17th Wedding Anniversary To Us

march 3 2003
Created by Ali Coşkunfrom the Noun Project

march 3 2003

17 years ago these two 19 year old kids went to the courthouse. He dropped the ring, she wore a jean jacket. The officiant refused to smile and made several comments about “are you SURE?” and “wow, only 19.” 17 years later, we are still sure. Probably more so now than either of us could have possibly imagined on that day, standing in front of a bunch of terrible fake plastic flowers woven in a cheap plastic trellis with the world’s least enthusiastic officiant.

Every day I choose you, babe. Happy 17th wedding anniversary. 🥰 ((and yes, I share this Walmart printed photo taken with my 90s model Kodak every year because it’s one of the only ones we have from our wedding day))

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