With the holiday season upon us, there are going to be a ton of very nervous boyfriends and girlfriends getting ready to propose to their partner. I want to take a little bit of a load off your shoulders, and help you plan the perfect surprise proposal and share my top tips!
How to Plan the Perfect Surprise Proposal
Think about your partner and tailor it to them!
Remember that episode from Friends where Phoebe totally ruined Mike’s proposal a bunch of times? And then she tried to propose to him using the jumbotron and it was just a holy hot mess?
Yeah, it doesn’t have to be like that. 🤣 Think about the person you’re proposing to, and make it special. When Travis Barker proposed to Kourtney Kardashian, he made it extra special by picking somewhere special to them and making it a true gesture that he knew she would love and appreciate.
Make plans!
Don’t get me wrong, spontaneous proposals are incredible and memorable. But making a plan, having reservations and going the extra mile is going to be very meaningful to your partner.
Talk to their family!
This is old school and traditional, but I love the idea of filling your partner’s parents in on your plans before you do it. Not saying you have to ask permission per se, but, letting them know it’s happening gives them an opportunity to join in on the celebration.
Consider hiring a photographer!
I’ve been able to be part of so many surprise proposals over the years, and I’ll tell you what: it never gets old. Every single time, the newly engaged couple has been so excited to have that special moment forever captured and sharing about it so much fun.
Thinking of proposing? Hit me up! I’d love to be there!