
Jianna’s Senior Photos at Phon B Sutton

senior girl photos with a cowgirl hat
Created by Ali Coşkunfrom the Noun Project

Senior Photos at Phon B Sutton

Shadow Ridge High School Senior Photos, Class of 2025


This is a very special senior session for me because Jianna’s mom Jessy is one of my oldest, and most dearest friends. I have been photographing Jianna and her family since she was a little girl, and to see her grow up has been the biggest blessing. And now Ji’s a senior, about to graduate high school, and I couldn’t be more proud! 🥹

Jianna is a country girl at heart, and her first outfit choice was perfect for her: cowgirl boots, a big belt buckle and her favorite white cowgirl hat. She paired that outfit with her custom letterman jacket that showcases her accomplishments in high school in academics and athletics. Jianna is a longtime stunt cheerleader, and recently led Shadow Ridge High School to a third place finish at the AIA Arizona State Finals. She helped earn a distinguished Solid Stunt Sequence special award for our cheer team!

Her second outfit was very feminine and chic, with a flowy pink dress and bare feet. Ji was inspired by a friend’s senior photos, where she was in the water and looking like an absolute goddess. Jianna totally nailed the look! But here’s a fun fact for you: the Salt River is freaking freezing in the winter. It’s actually pretty chilly in the summer too, but when it’s well over 100° outside the cold water isn’t so bad. But in November? When it’s like 60° outside? BRRR. 🥶 But Jianna had a vision, and she’s a trooper – so she plunged into the Salt River for a few minutes for the last bit of her senior session!

If you loved this senior session at Phon B Sutton, you should go check out:

Emily’s Senior Photos at Phon B Sutton in Mesa

Kinley’s Senior Photos at South Mountain in Phoenix

Lauren’s Graduation Photos at Superstition Mountain


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