January 10, 2023

Athletes, Branding

Personal Trainer Branding Photography Session

personal training using medicine balls
Created by Ali Coşkunfrom the Noun Project

Personal Trainer Branding Photography Session - Ashley Durham Photography - Wisconsin Branding Photographer

Fun fact: I absolutely love helping other women become entrepreneurs, grow their business and work on their overall brand. Over the years, I have done a handful of branding sessions for various different industries and each time it has been so much fun. Not only do I get to take some incredible photos for people, but, I also get to meet some of the best people.

Meet my new friend Em, the beautiful face behind BRZ Wellness (give her a follow on Instagram!). Em is a personal trainer and massage therapist located in Waterford. She recently opened up her very own private gym. She asked me to come hang out for the morning with her and one of her training clients to get some fun photos for her social media, website and marketing. I wanted to share just a handful of Em’s new branding images with y’all here on my website!

Personal Trainer Branding Photography Session

brz wellness waterford wisconsin personal trainer brz wellness waterford wisconsin personal trainer brz wellness waterford wisconsin personal trainer Em Brzezinskii dumbbells branding photos for woman personal trainer em brzezinski waterford wisconsin personal trainer black and white dumbbells woman trainer showing woman how to do a dead lift woman trainer showing woman how to do a dead lift woman trainer showing woman how to do a dead lift female personal trainer showing client how to use weight machine personal training using medicine balls doing chair dips together to build tricep muscles trainer showing client how to properly do a weighted lunge trainer showing client how to properly do a weighted lunge funny knitted signs private massage room boho style waterford masseuse Em Brzezinski BRZ wellness waterford masseuse Em Brzezinski BRZ wellness waterford masseuse Em Brzezinski BRZ wellness


Are you looking for an a sports branding photographer in Phoenix?

Hey there, I’m Ashley Durham, an Phoenix branding photographer specializing in unposed, authentic and true-to-self branding sessions that capture the realness of fellow entrepreneurs. I am happy to serve creative entrepreneurs and athletes all over the Phoenix region. You ready to have an incredible time together for your branding session?? Message me today!

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