November 5, 2020

Books, Movies & TV

Review of the Sweet Magnolias Books (Books 1-3)

sweet magnolias on netflix
Created by Ali Coşkunfrom the Noun Project

There might be nothing I love more than a series with a good heart behind it. Add in some good drama, laughs, and women empowerment and friendship? It’s totally right up my alley!

The Sweet Magnolias series first caught my eye when I was scrolling through Netflix, trying to find something to watch. I thought I’d watch an episode and see if it was any good … and something like six hours later, I was hooked. I binged the whole first season in less than two days! And then with that cliffhanger (omggg), I realized that I immediately needed to read the books that the series was based on.

sweet magnolias on netflix

I immediately hopped on Amazon and ordered the first three books in the Sweet Magnolias series, written by Sherryl Woods: Stealing Home, A Slice of Heaven and Feels Like Family. Each of the books focuses on the three main characters, Maddie, Dana Sue and Helen subsequently, and the storyline sorta follows what happens in the first season of the Netflix series.

The last several weeks I’ve been intentionally spending time NOT working, NOT on social media and NOT obsessing over every little thing as a way to battle my anxiety issues. Part of self care for me is doing things that bring me joy and distract me from things that cause me anxiety, and reading has always been something I’ve loved to do. But the last several years, I’ve not read nearly as much as I would have loved to because I was so focused on my career as a wedding photographer. Now that that’s over and I’ve shifted my focus on to myself and my well-being, I’m just finding myself a lot happier.

Review of the Sweet Magnolias Books

I’ll be totally honest: I actually prefer the Netflix series over the books. 😕 It’s the same thing as it was for me with Vampire Diaries! I love the concept, but the TV show just seems to have a better presentation and version of the storyline. The Sweet Magnolias books are a bit longwinded and drawn out, and there was definitely some aspects of each of them that I thought was a bit bizarre.

For example, in the first book, Maddie’s ex husband Bill got his barely-legal medical assistant pregnant while he and Maddie were still married, and he left his family for his mistress. Their little town hardly batted an eye to something so scandalous, but lost their minds when Maddie started dating the new high school baseball coach. After living in the South for a year, I found it pretty unbelievable that Bill would have gotten off as easy as he did.

That said, so far it’s a fun series that I’m enjoying as a little escape from reality. I’m excited to see what the next chapter brings, I’m rooting for the characters and each of their subplots, and even more? I can’t wait to see what season 2 of the Netflix series is going to bring!

I hope you enjoyed my review of the Sweet Magnolias books – you can order yours below!

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