April 23, 2019

Digital Artwork, Personal

Work Life Balance is a Myth

Work Life Balance is a Myth
Created by Ali Coşkunfrom the Noun Project

Work Life Balance is a Myth

For the last 10 years in business for myself I believed this lie.
Well, it’s more of a myth. A legend.
I used to get jealous of people who didn’t have kids. It’s true!! I totally did!! 😬
I’d see these amazing photographers who could fly off to Rome at the drop of a hat or have the opportunity to go to conferences or workshops, or have a 3 day turnaround for weddings anytime of the year + I’d get jealous because of my responsibilities as a mother and wife.
And I believed the lie. I traveled + went to workshops and while I haven’t made it to Rome yet, I have gotten to see some incredible places around the US as a professional photographer.
It wasn’t until my then-7 year old called me absolutely hysterical, because his team had lost the playoffs + I was busy serving a couple for their wedding 1,100 miles away. Before the phone rang, I felt so much pride that someone had deemed me important enough to pay me thousands of dollars to be with them on the biggest day of their lives.
I sobbed. 😭 I got the call in between the hotel + the church and I bawled my eyes out. There was snot + everything.
Y’all, my priorities were MESSED UP. 💔
After the wedding, I didn’t feel good anymore about being a traveling wedding photographer. That phone call changed my life.
It’s been about 18 months since that happened + I’ve been trying to figure out this work-life balance thing ever since. And I’ve come to realize it’s just not real.
Something had to give. 💯
Since announcing my retirement as a wedding photographer, I can’t tell you the joy I’ve felt. The freedom, the peace, even my heart rate is lower. My migraines are not so frequent. I’m sleeping better.
I always have time for a career. I’ve only got 9 years left of time with children living under my roof.
I’m not saying you need to stop working to find balance – that’s not a luxury most people have.
BUT if I learned anything: it’s that it’s okay to say “no” more often to things that don’t bring you joy. 👏🙅🏻

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