
The Best Quotes From Gilmore Girls About Life, Love and Coffee

the church of stars hallow at the warner bros studio lot
Created by Ali Coşkunfrom the Noun Project

If you should know anything about me, it is this: I am one of the world’s biggest Gilmore Girls fan. I’ve watched the entire series a hundred million times, I can quote it anytime for any reason and I even went so far as to name one of my kids after the lead actress Lauren Graham (Sierra’s middle name is Lauren, true story). One time we went to California to shoot a wedding, and 15 minutes after landing in Burbank, Randy took me to the Warner Brothers studio lot and I got to walk around Stars Hallow and I literally thought it was the best day of my life.

at the warner brothers studio lot

I literally don’t think that goofy ass smile left my face the whole time we were walking around Stars Hallow on the Warner Brothers’ studio lot. My only regret is that the gorgeous white gazebo was temporarily relocated for some reason, so I didn’t get to see it in the town square.

I just realized I don’t think I ever shared these photos on my blog before, from our studio tour. So I’ll add in a couple for yall to see! Luke’s was redesigned to look like a totally different set (*sob*) but the infamous Miss Patty’s was still in tact, which made me very, very happy.

miss patty's dance studio at the warner bros studio lot

This week, Gilmore Girls celebrated its 20th anniversary and I thought I would do my own celebration by sharing the all-time best quotes from Gilmore Girls here on my blog!

The Best Quotes From Gilmore Girls About Life, Love and Coffee

we're almost there and nowhere near it gilmore girl quote i love you you idiot gilmore girl quote first i drink the coffee then i do the things quote in omnia paratus gilmore girl quote people are particularly stupid today i cant talk to anymore of them gilmore girl quote if eating cake is wrong i dont want to be right gilmore girl quote people can live a hundred years without really living for a minute gilmore girl quote

And last but not least, I’ll leave you with one of my favorite cell phone photos I’ve ever taken: the beautiful church of Stars Hallow.

the church of stars hallow at the warner bros studio lot

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