First ER visit in Georgia … Danny started going into anaphylactic shock after getting attacked by fire ants while mowing the lawn. He started turning beet red and swelling from head to toe within minutes (scroll down – this was 20 minutes AFTER Benadryl and steroids!) and was having trouble breathing, and was getting the chills all over. He’s going to be just fine, but I officially just grew 76 gray hairs. 😳
In the nearly 17 years of parenting, I’ve never had a kid allergic to something. Never. The folks here in the ER saw us come in as Danny was grabbing his chest and pulled us right back and within a couple of minutes were getting him hooked up to IVs and it was a flurry of doctors and nurses. I’m so thankful to them for working diligently while answering my questions and taking such good care of my baby. 🙏
He’s currently zonked out and I’m just sitting here thanking God that he’s okay.
I can honestly say without a doubt that I now have a whole newfound respect for parents with children with allergies. 😫