May 27, 2015

Client Advice

To Toss or Not To Toss

should you have a garter toss?
Created by Ali Coşkunfrom the Noun Project

In recent weddings over the last few months, I’ve noticed a trend – many brides and grooms are “tossing out” the idea of having bouquet and garter tosses (you see what I did there??) in lieu of just having some extra time on the dance floor during the reception. Traditionally, brides will wear two garters – one to keep on, and one to “toss” to their husband’s single friends; they will also have their nice bouquet, and then a small toss-able one to their single girlfriends. It’s supposed to represent good luck to whoever catches it, to signify they are next to get married. This tradition goes back hundreds of years, and only in the last year or so have we noticed that brides and grooms are doing away with this time-honored part of the wedding.

But really … is it necessary?

should you have a garter toss?

Personally – I say NO. That’s right – I say no to tosses. Why? For three reasons.

It’s a bit antiquated, and it can be downright embarrassing!

Most brides we’ve seen have their garter removed with their husband’s teeth, right in front of their friends and family. Can you imagine having your new husband all up under your dress with your dad watching? Yeah, me either. There’s just no way to remove a garter in a classy, non-embarressing way.  Not saying it isn’t fun to do, but you have to admit, it’s a little blush- (and sometimes cringe-) worthy.

Leave those poor single people alone.

I can’t tell you how many times we’ve seen the small army of young teenage girls line up … and then that one 20-something friend who hasn’t found Mr. Right quite yet. The look on her face always makes me cringe a little whenever Beyoncé comes blaring over the loudspeakers. But, not going to lie -the panicked look of “OMG, my girlfriend just caught the bouquet” on the unmarried guys’ expressions is pretty hysterical, though.

It’s Just Added Cost

And for the most practical reason – it just costs extra money to just toss it away – money that you could be devoting to decor or even your honeymoon!


Sound off in the blog – did you have a garter and/or bouquet toss? Are you skipping it? Let’s talk about it!

© ashley durham photography